This page displays a summary of BubbleUPnP Server operational status and has all information required to connect to BubbleUPnP Server:
Network section #
- Public IP Address: the public ip address on which BubbleUPnP Server can accessed
- Public HTTP Port: the public http port on which BubbleUPnP Server can accessed
- Public HTTPS Port: the public https port on which BubbleUPnP Server can accessed
- Public host name: the public host name (associated to the public ip address) on which BubbleUPnP Server can accessed
- LAN IP Address: the local network ip address on which you can access BubbleUPnP Server from any machine of your local network
- Internet connectivity test: the status of the reachability of BubbleUPnP Server from the Internet on both http and https ports, and a button to perform the test
Status section #
This section displays the current version of BubbleUPnP Server as well as whether audio, video and images can be transcoded. This is largely determined by the availability of FFmpeg and its capabilities (how it was compiled, old versions might not support all features).
Making BubbleUPnP Server reachable from the Internet #
If you plan to use BubbleUPnP Server to access your home media from the Internet, it is important that the Internet connectivity test is successful: it means that BubbleUPnP Server can be reached from the Internet and that a client can connect (usually Android BubbleUPnP, but also foobar2000 and the BubbleUPnP Server Tether client).
BubbleUPnP Server can be accessed either via http or https:
- using http, data between the server and the client (usually Android BubbleUPnP) is not encrypted (although, credentials for login are encrypted)
- using https, data between the server and the client is encrypted except media stream requests for compatibility reason with renderers
The ports that need to be accessed are TCP port 58050 for http access and optionally port 58051 for https.
IMPORTANT: if you use https access, the http port must still be opened as it is still required for media streaming requests only.
On startup, BubbleUPnP Server attempts to make itself accessible through the Internet, but this can fail in the sense that the ‘Internet connectivity test’ will show a failure. In that case, something is preventing the Internet to connect to the http or https port. This will likely be a NAT or firewall issue. For example, if the public http port is 58050 and the LAN ip address displayed is
- add a rule on your router to redirect connection on TCP port 58050 to LAN IP Address on port 58050. the same port must be used for the redirection
- add a rule on your firewall to allow incoming traffic on TCP port 58050 on the machine
- for https access repeat the 2 steps above with the https port (58051 by default)
- if it still does not work, it could be a firewall or ‘security suite’ running on the same machine than the server that is blocking incoming connections to ports 58050 and 58051. Check the firewall settings and allow relevant ports
Killing and restarting BubbleUPnP Server #
Restart server…: restarts BubbleUPnP Server in the same Java process. This can be useful if devices stops being detected or if you encounter other issues.
Kill server…: terminate BubbleUPnP Server gracefully. Depending on how BubbleUPnP Server is started (OS specific), BubbleUPnP Server may be restarted in a new Java process.